时间:2025-03-07 10:23:47 来源:网络整理编辑:焦點
TikTok is down, and we don't mean just in Russia. According to numerous user reports on Twitter, Tik
TikTok is down, and we don't mean just in Russia.
According to numerous user reports on Twitter, TikTok is currently down.
A quick check on Downdetector confirms that a lot of users currently have problems accessing TikTok. (Editor's note: Downdetector is owned by Mashable's parent company, Ziff Davis).
Unlike some recent internet outages, this time it appears that it's only TikTok that's having issues; other major services such as Facebook, Twitter, Spotify, and others all appear to be working fine.
TikTok's official support account on Twitter hasn't shared anything about the apparent issues. We'll update the article when we find out more.
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