时间:2025-03-07 10:57:32 来源:网络整理编辑:百科
At the presidential debate on Monday night, Donald Trump called out Hillary Clinton by saying that t
At the presidential debate on Monday night, Donald Trump called out Hillary Clinton by saying that the former secretary of state "doesn't have the look or the stamina" to become president.
Anthem-churning and wig-wearing musical artist Sia disagreed with Trump, and Wednesday morning she let the world know she's voting for Clinton with a video montage filled with photographs of the Democratic candidate throughout the years.
SEE ALSO:Ok, everybody take a breath: Kim Kardashian is voting for Hillary ClintonThe video endorsement remixed the lyric "I got stamina" from her latest single, "The Greatest" featuring Kendrick Lamar.
It also included Clinton's retort to Trump's remarks at the debate. "As soon as he travels to 112 countries and negotiates a peace deal, a ceasefire, he can talk to me about stamina," she said during Monday's debate.
The original music video for the song stars dancer Maddie Ziegler, who appears in numerous Sia projects.
TopicsMusicElectionsHillary Clinton
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