时间:2025-01-18 20:28:05 来源:网络整理编辑:探索
Do you know what day it is?Unless you're one of the few people who is still working outside your hom
Do you know what day it is?
Unless you're one of the few people who is still working outside your home (by the way, thank you for your service), you probably have no idea. In these days of quarantine, it's become increasingly difficult to keep track of time passing at all, much less remember which day of the week it actually is on any given day.
Thankfully, the Fox 8 news team in Cleveland has a new game to remind us which day of the week it is every day: "What Day Is It?"
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Minus the opening and closing song, the segment where host Todd Meany walks out and says what day it is lasts roughly one second. Not only is it a nice, lighthearted break that might make you smile, it's very helpful for those of us who are out of work or working from home where the weekdays and weekends seem to blend into an unrecognizable mess of hours.
SEE ALSO:Highly relatable Twitter meme compares the start of March to its endIf you're tuning into the news in the Cleveland area, the opening song gives you enough time to make a guess yourself before you get the real answer. It may be a fun game to play with the people, animals, or plants with whom you're staying inside.
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By the way, if you're reading this on the day it was published, it's Saturday. I think.
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