时间:2025-01-18 13:10:29 来源:网络整理编辑:焦點
If there's one thing that puts everything else into perspective, it's images of Earth from space.So
If there's one thing that puts everything else into perspective, it's images of Earth from space.
So get ready, cause this new photo of central Australia's stunning Uluru, as seen from above is about to make you feel small and insignificant. In a good way.
SEE ALSO:7 obvious reasons why you shouldn't climb this sacred site in AustraliaThe photograph was shared by French astronaut and current International Space Station member, Thomas Pesquet on Facebook, and Lord almighty, it's a doozy.
So peaceful.
The Uluru Kata Tjuta site is located in the country's Northern Territory, and is a site of deep spiritual significance for the Indigenous Anangu people.
The rock is a staggering 348 metres high (1,142 feet) and yet from space it looks like a pebble, or a shard of something you'd find washed up at the beach.
Really puts everything else into perspective, hey?
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