时间:2025-01-18 17:55:51 来源:网络整理编辑:綜合
A group of asylum seekers who live in a shelter in southern Italy have decided to donate some of the
A group of asylum seekers who live in a shelter in southern Italy have decided to donate some of their "pocket money" to victims of the devastating earthquake in central Italy.
SEE ALSO:How you can help the survivors of the powerful earthquake in ItalyThe coordinator of the shelter in Gioiosa Ionica, Giovanni Maiolo, said the centre's 75 asylum seekers and refugees wanted to make a "small, symbolic gesture of solidarity" to help people displaced by the 6.2-magnitude quake that killed at least 247 people.
The so-called "pocket money" is the daily allowance that each asylum seeker receives for their personal expenses.
Together, they will donate a total of €187.5 (£160) to the earthquake's response fund.
Maiolo said it is a "small but relevant gesture" from people who felt welcomed in Italy and "want to reciprocate solidarity".
Italy's Civil Protection department confirmed the death toll had reached 247 but the true number of people missing was uncertain given the thousands of holidaymakers in the area.
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