时间:2025-03-07 10:58:34 来源:网络整理编辑:知識
It's almost the end of the year, which means it's almost time for everyone to share their Spotify li
It's almost the end of the year, which means it's almost time for everyone to share their Spotify listening habits. But while we wait for this year's Spotify Wrapped to be released, a new app has arrived to tide us over.
Created by University of Southern California student Anshay Saboo, Instafest is a graphic generator that displays your most-played artists on Spotify as though they're the lineup of the world's most personalised music festival. They also look good enough that if you've seen any you might have thought they were advertising real events.
SEE ALSO:Earning a minimum wage from Spotify is a lot harder than you thinkHere's how to create your Spotify Instafest fake festival lineup:
Open the Instafest website.
Click on the green "Sign in with Spotify" button.
Log in to your Spotify account.
Instafest will then create your own personal festival lineup, populated by the artists you've been listening to the most. We probably won't ever see BTS playing alongside the Beach Boys, but it's nice to dream.
If the resulting poster isn't to your liking, there are a few options to customise it further. Instafest can select your top artists from either the last four weeks, the last six months, or all-time, which may impact how many days your festival lasts.
You can also switch up the aesthetics by toggling between three different styles. These include the Malibu Sunrise's summer beach party, LA Twilight's late night city vibe, or Mojave Dusk's wild desert. Instafest automatically names your festival after your Spotify username as well, but you can hide it if you want to share your lineup without other people potentially snooping on your account.
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