时间:2025-03-07 10:26:54 来源:网络整理编辑:娛樂
There is no nobler steed than Horsey McHorseface.The two-year-old gelding's delightful new name is t
There is no nobler steed than Horsey McHorseface.
The two-year-old gelding's delightful new name is the brainchild of owner Joe Rosetti, who was inspired by equally noble sea vessel Boaty McBoatface.
SEE ALSO:A police horse walks into a bar and no one is sure what's going on"We had a good laugh about it in the office and thought, 'Hey, why not'," racing manager Jake Bruce informed CNN.
But the name isn't just a goofy move: Bruce and his colleagues also hope it will generate interest in the racehorse's career.
"Any publicity is good publicity," Bruce said.
Boaty McBoatface, the British boat who won its name via public online vote, has inspired several similar monikers across the world, including a train named Trainy McTrainface.
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The Internet, not known for its comedic nuance, has also voted to name a flavor of Mountain Dew "Hitler did nothing wrong."
Mr. McHorseface is expected to make his racing debut next month.
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