时间:2025-03-09 10:34:44 来源:网络整理编辑:探索
Facebook is infamous for the numerous ways in which folks use — and misuse — the platfor
Facebook is infamous for the numerous ways in which folks use — and misuse — the platform, from your uncle sharing conspiracy theories to your roommate selling your couch on Marketplace. There's one tool Facebook offers that is almost unilaterally helpful to users, though, and that's the option for business owners to create a business page.
A business page on Facebook is a great way to consolidate all the information customers need to know about your business, from location to hours to everything in between, without having to spend the time, money, and effort on a website. Sounds good, right? But it can be tricky to get down exactly howto create a business page on Facebook, so here's your step-by-step guide.
In order to create a business page on Facebook, you first need to have a personal page, and you'll need to be logged in. If you haven't set up a Facebook page for yourself yet, it's fairly easy to do. The first step to creating a business page on Facebook is going to your Facebook home page after you've logged on.
There are two ways to create a new page from your Facebook home page. The first option is to click the menu next to your profile icon on the top right of your screen, then toggle down to "Page" under "Create." The second option is to click "Pages" on the left dropdown menu, which will bring you to a page that lists all of your pages. Here, you can click "Create New Page."
This is your time to shine! On the left side of the next screen, fill in your page name, select a category, and write a description. This should all be accurate information for your business to make your page easier to find. Your page name should be the name of your business, not anything else. As you update it on the left side of the screen, the right side will show you a preview of your page.
Once you're satisfied, click "Create Page" on the bottom left of the screen.
Now that your page is created, you can add in all the details that make a page informative and inviting, like images and more details. Each time you add something, click "Save" at the bottom left.
You can continue changing things around and making your page perfect. Add a call to action if you feel so inclined, or create events, like when you're having a big sale or going to a farmer's market.
Let's say you make a Facebook business page and aren't happy with it, so you decide you'd rather start from scratch. No problem. Deleting it is pretty simple. On the left menu bar, go down to "Settings." Scroll all the way down and select "Remove Page." You'll be asked if you're sure you want to permanently delete your business page on Facebook. If you click yes, your page will be gone.
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