时间:2025-03-07 11:07:17 来源:网络整理编辑:焦點
The Russian release of Rocketmanis missing a number of scenes, including those that depict drug use
The Russian release of Rocketmanis missing a number of scenes, including those that depict drug use and gay relations between two men. Elton John, the subject of the critically hailed new biopic, is not pleased.
John issued a strongly worded statement via Twitter on Friday evening in response to reports from an early screening in Moscow. The statement specifically singles out the "local distributor" in Russia, calling the changes "a sad reflection of the divided world we still live in and how it can be so cruelly unaccepting of the love between two people."
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"We reject in the strongest possible terms the decision to censor Rocketman for the Russian market, a move we were unaware of until today. Paramount Pictures have been brave and bold partners in allowing us to create a film which is a true representation of Elton's extraordinary life, warts and all," the statement begins.
"That the local distributor has found it necessary to edit out certain scenes, denying the audience the opportunity to see the film as it was intended is a sad reflection of the divided world we still live in and how it can still be so cruelly unaccepting of the love between two people.
"We believe in building bridges and open dialogue, and will continue to push for the breaking down of barriers until all people are heard equally across the world."
According to reports from a number of critics who attended a screening in Moscow, the changes amount to about five minutes of missing footage. Critic Anton Dolin wrote on Facebook (via BBC) that "all scenes with kissing, sex, and oral sex between men have been cut out," as has a caption at the end of the movie that pays tribute to the legendary musician's husband.
SEE ALSO:'Rocketman' star Taron Egerton avoids reviews. Elton John emails them anyway.The same BBC report also confirms, via journalist Misha Kozyrev, that scenes depicting drug use were removed as well. According to the film's local distributor, the changes were made in accordance with Russian law, which bans "pedophilia, ethnic and religious hatred, and pornography."
Russia takes a notoriously regressive stance toward same-sex relationships and LGBTQ culture, even though homosexuality has technically been legal there since 1993. Back in 2018, players and fans attending the World Cup were warned against outward displays of affection toward same-sex partners. Though that didn't stop one group of activists from deploying a stealth Pride flag, since it's illegal to fly the Pride flag in Russia.
A year earlier, in 2017, reports from out of Chechnya -- a Federal Subject of Russia -- brought stories of abduction, violence, and torture perpetrated against gay and bisexual men. The United Nations condemned those human rights abuses.
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