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时间:2025-03-01 01:48:25 来源:网络整理编辑:休閑
It has become the most memorable moment of。 Rogue One。: Rebel troops making a frantic escape with th
It has become the most memorable moment of。 Rogue One 。: Rebel troops making a frantic escape with the Death Star plans find themselves in a dark corridor. We hear familiar breathing. A red lightsaber ignites. And the audience goes wild as everyone's favorite Sith Lord goes to work. 。
But Vader's showstopping scene wasn't in the original version of the movie, director Gareth Edwards has now confirmed. Like just about everything else in。 Rogue One 。Rogue One。
's third act, it was concocted by one of his editors -- and shot a few months before the release of the Star Wars standalone. 。SEE ALSO:'Rogue One' reshoots changed more of the movie than we knew 。 In an interview with Fandango blogger Erik Davis, Edwards laid out the original ending. Vader's ship, the Executor, destroys the massive Mon Calamari vessel that has uploaded the plans from the Rogue One team on Scariff; we then cut to the famous blockade runner from the beginning of the original。Star Wars。
Star Wars。
, the Tantive IV, making its getaway. 。
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Edwards loved the idea, and plotted the scene obsessively with storyboards -- but didn't imagine it would become one of the key takeaways from the film. 。 "It was my last chance to do Star Wars," the director told Davis. "It really is just the greatest hits of Darth. We really didn't want to do anything you haven't seen him do so it didn't throw people off. We kept it to what had been established."。In point of fact, very little of what Vader does in that corridor had been seen in the Star Wars films before. In the original trilogy we see him choke people at a distance and deflect Han Solo's blaster bolt before retrieving the blaster.。 But Vader tossing around Rebel soldiers like rag dolls isn't something that had been established in movie canon. Until。But Vader tossing around Rebel soldiers like rag dolls isn't something that had been established in movie canon. Until。
Rogue One。
, it was more the kind of thing you'd see in a Star Wars videogame such as 。 The Force Unleashed 。.。
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