时间:2025-03-18 12:17:08 来源:网络整理编辑:綜合
Some mixologists double as magical wizards.Bartender Joe Cobbe recently lit up his feed and our live
Some mixologists double as magical wizards.
Bartender Joe Cobbe recently lit up his feed and our lives with a fiery homemade cocktail named "Misty Eyes."
View this post on InstagramSEE ALSO:Marie Kondo memes imagine her as a bloodthirsty demon spirit
If you dare to attempt this flaming cocktail at home, you'll need absinthe, lime juice, Tanqueray, coco powder, and gomme syrup on hand. Oh, and a torch.
Cobbe is a bartender at The Register Club, an upscale cocktail bar in Edinburgh, Scotland. Feast your eyes on this magical concoction and other similarly attractive creations from Cobbe's account.
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These deeply satisfying vids should tide you over until happy hour starts.
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