时间:2025-01-18 19:04:24 来源:网络整理编辑:焦點
LOS ANGELES -- Remember The Hire, a series of eight short films that starred Clive Owen back in 2001
LOS ANGELES -- Remember The Hire, a series of eight short films that starred Clive Owen back in 2001-02?
Well, BMW Films is revving up a new installment that will see Owen reprise his mysterious role as The Driver, and this time he'll be joined by Dakota Fanning, Jon Bernthal and Vera Farmiga.
Neill Blomkamp (District 9) is directing The Escape, a new installment that is being an presented as an homage to the 15th anniversary of BMW's original series. The Escapewill premiere on Sunday, Oct. 23 at 6 p.m. EST on BMWFilms.com.
Blomkamp co-wrote The Escapewith creative consultant David Carter, one of three returning staffers along with creative director Bruce Bildsten and executive producer Brian DiLorenzo.
SEE ALSO:Watch Jennifer Lawrence kiss Chris Pratt in first 'Passengers' trailerBack in the day, The Hireshowcased the work of Oscar winners Ang Lee and Alejandro G. Iñárritu, as well as Joe Carnahan, Wong Kar-wai, Guy Ritchie, John Woo and the late John Frankenheimer and Tony Scott. The Hirealso featured A-list talent in front of the camera including Gary Oldman, Forest Whitaker, Mickey Rourke, Don Cheadle, Ray Liotta and singers James Brown and Madonna, among others.
Released exclusively online at BMWFilms.com before the rise of YouTube and other streaming sites, The Hirereceived more than 100 million views over the course of its two seasons. The first season was executive produced by David Fincher, while the second season was executive produced by Tony and Ridley Scott.
Check out some of Owen's original adventures as The Driver below.
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