时间:2025-03-07 11:17:10 来源:网络整理编辑:綜合
Apple is in talks to begin making high-end television shows that could rival the kind of work produc
Apple is in talks to begin making high-end television shows that could rival the kind of work produced by HBO and Netflix, according to a report from the Wall Street Journal. 。
The company has been in talks with studio executives and producers, and hopes to have something to show for its efforts by the end of 2017, according to the report.。
That's the kind of news that can send shivers down the spines — or dollar signs into the dreams — of the entire entertainment industry. Apple has long been seen as a quiet giant whose entry into the content creation industry would be a game changer. While Apple's main business is in making products and providing distribution for TV and music, the prospect that the company — and its cash pile of $230 billion — could begin making its own content has loomed. 。
Thanks for signing up!。 While the Netflixes and HBOs of the world are probably worried about Apple, the。WSJ。
noted that Spotify might be most at risk. Apple is reportedly planning to offer its shows as a part of its music streaming service. Apple is reportedly only looking to finance a few shows — and possibly movies — that will be enough to convince consumers to subscribe to its music service.。
Technically, Apple is already making a TV show. The company dipped its toe into production with a reality show around app makers. 。
Original TV shows could be just one part of Apple's foray into television. For years, Apple has been in various stages of talks for its own streaming TV service. Apple reportedly got close in 2015 but could not agree on business terms with TV providers. 。
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