时间:2025-01-18 12:50:41 来源:网络整理编辑:綜合
Google's latest piece of homepage art highlights the diverse, everyday lives of women around the wor
Google's latest piece of homepage art highlights the diverse, everyday lives of women around the world, just in time for International Women's Day.
This year's Doodle is an animated slideshow that moves viewers through various, brightly-drawn scenes, each of which shows a woman engaging in different hobbies, activities, or just the regular tasks of life — scenes like a mother watching her kids while working from home, an older woman watering her garden, or a doctor at work. It's full of relatable moments of home, work, and life.
SEE ALSO:Dive into women's history with these free online resourcesThe Google art was created by Doodle art director, Thoka Maer, who wanted to make sure that every woman felt seen and valued for their daily accomplishments. "The last couple of years have been hard for everyone, but women especially. We usually celebrate women and their incredible accomplishments in the past and present, and inspire young girls to dream big. The reality of the last couple of years has forced women to shift focus, adjust priorities, and make sacrifices to be there for others who need them," Maer wrote in a Q&A released alongside the Doodle.
The Doodle hopes to show that these small moments happening around the world are just as celebratory as the history-making ones. "We all wake up in the morning and we all have a purpose, big or small. It all matters," Maer wrote.
The Doodle's message ties in with global celebrations this month, as well. The 2022 theme for International Women's Day is #BreakTheBias, encouraging communities around the world to identify and disrupt gender biases and stereotypes. The campaign asks women to share their experiences battling bias in all settings, and urges people to work within their own communities and workplaces to support gender equality. March is also Women's History Month in the United States. This year's theme, designated by the National Women's History Alliance, is "Women Providing Healing, Promoting Hope," which spotlights the role of women in caregiving, as frontline workers during the pandemic, and as historical figures who've impacted healing and public health.
Take a look through previous Doodles for International Women's Day here.
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