时间:2024-12-04 01:29:56 来源:网络整理编辑:時尚
Those rambunctious rapscallions, the Trump Boys, are being shredded across the internet again thanks
Those rambunctious rapscallions, the Trump Boys, are being shredded across the internet again thanks to a photo shared by their pal.
While contemplative forest photos and pictures with elephant tails have already generated so much Burn Twitter, a new photo by alt-right personality Jack Posobiec has given more fuel to the fire of Trump Boys haters.
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Lord, can you imagine a dynasty that sees us going from Donald Trump to Donald Trump Jr. to Eric Trump? Truly the law of diminishing returns (which is already saying something).
Twitter agreed and rushed in to make one of two jokes.
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Of course, it's all fun and games until the year 2108 when King Donald the VI declares war against the sovereign state of Mesoputania and the Second Great MAGA War commences.
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