时间:2024-11-24 07:09:54 来源:网络整理编辑:休閑
She was talking about 2016, but Kylie Jenner was right-- this is year of, like, realizing things.All
She was talking about 2016, but Kylie Jenner was right-- this is year of, like, realizing things.
All of us are realizing things, together, but in particular: Seth Rogen and his wife, actress and writer Lauren Miller are realizing things. Just look at this truly shocking realization:
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Yes, unsettling is the right word. "Uncanny," and "startling" would also work, though. All it took were some similar hat-sunglasses-jacket combos to make the truth all to clear.
People had a lot to say on the matter.
SEE ALSO:Behold: Male romper already spotted in the wildTweet may have been deleted
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But mostly they just wanted to talk about the Rogen's dog which is, admittedly, very cute.
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Sweet innocence.
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So moral of the story: dogs balance out competing in attractiveness against one of the world's most attractive couples any day. Realizing things!
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