时间:2025-03-01 00:24:31 来源:网络整理编辑:百科
Sad news, Guardians of the Galaxyfans.A raccoon named Oreo, who served as director James Gunn's visu
Sad news,Guardians of the Galaxyfans.
A raccoon named Oreo, who served as director James Gunn's visual model for Rocket Raccoon in Guardians of the Galaxy, has died at the age of 10. Quinta Layla, the Portugal farm where Oreo lived with his raccoon pal Stanley, confirmed it on Thursday.
SEE ALSO:This 'Infinity War' tune was the throwback jam of 2018The post describes how Oreo came to his life at Quinta Layla just a few months shy of a decade ago. His whole litter had just been born, but their mother had no milk. The farm's proprietor was at a theater in London when they got a call asking them to come pick up a raccoon.
"We whizzed back up the motorway and spent hours trying to get you and your siblings to drink from a bottle," the post reads. "We chose you because you were strong and took the formula first little knowing then that you would be such an inspiring animal who would make people from all over the World happy."
In the days since, Quinta Layla has shared a number of other posts reminiscing about Oreo.
[h/t Entertainment Weekly]
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