时间:2024-11-21 20:59:25 来源:网络整理编辑:焦點
In March, Netflix started reducing streaming quality in some markets, including Europe, India and Au
In March, Netflix started reducing streaming quality in some markets, including Europe, India and Australia.
With millions of people spending more time at home during the coronavirus pandemic, the idea was to reduce Netflix's impact on internet speeds.
Now, however, Netflix is going back to normal. According to FlatpanelsHD (via Android Central), users across Europe are once again getting 4K HDR video quality at up to 15 Mb/s of data transfer. This includes Denmark, Norway and Germany, though the outlet reports that restrictions still apply in some cases. Denmark and Norway have seen broadband speeds improve over the last week, according to Speedtest, while Germany's speeds declined.
Netflix confirmed to FlatpanelsHD that it's bringing video quality back up, saying it's "working with ISPs to help increase capacity."
"In the last month alone we have added four times the normal capacity. As conditions improve we will lift these limitations," said Netflix.
SEE ALSO:Quarantine streaming is changing the definition of 'primetime' TVApple, Amazon and YouTube also reduced streaming quality across their streaming services in Europe this March. Apple started to revert its Apple TV+ to normal in late April.
Netflix's move comes as many European countries slowly ease the restrictions imposed due to the coronavirus pandemic. Germany, for example, allowed shops and schools to reopen last week, while Denmark reopened its retail sector.
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