时间:2025-03-17 11:14:41 来源:网络整理编辑:焦點
SPEND $80, GET $20 OF AMAZON CREDIT: As of August 18, you can get a $20 Amazon credit when you spend
SPEND $80, GET $20 OF AMAZON CREDIT: As of August 18, you can get a $20 Amazon credit when you spend $80 or more on qualifying Procter & Gamble (P&G) home essentials at Amazon.
Let's be real: One of the hardest parts of being an adult is constantly having to restock on essentials that cost a fortune. I mean, I can't go to Target without spending $100, and somehow I only ever have some paper towels and dog treats in my hand when I walk out. But there is a way you can save a little bit of money this week while restocking your must-haves.
As of August 18, you can get a $20 Amazon credit just for shopping P&G essentials. The catch is that you have to spend a minimum of $80, but with the price of paper towels these days, that shouldn't be too hard of a task. All you have to do is add at least $80 of qualifying items to your cart and you'll receive the $20 credit after purchase.
You can shop products for babies, cleaning, health and wellness, beauty, and much more. Here are some of the items included in the promotion (and there are plenty more to check out too):
Bounty Quick-size paper towels, 16 family rolls — $43.49
Charmin Ultra Soft Cushiony Touch toilet paper, 24 family mega rolls —$35.49
Tide Pods liquid laundry detergent packets, 112 count — $27.24
Pampers diapers size 4, 150 count —$55.94
Crest 3D White Professional Effects teeth whitening kit — $45.99
Whether you're running low on toiletries, baby wipes, or even beauty products, this is the perfect opportunity to stock up and save.
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