时间:2025-03-07 10:44:09 来源:网络整理编辑:時尚
Portugal's headed to the Euro 2016 finals, and this kid is headed into high-fives from all his frien
Portugal's headed to the Euro 2016 finals, and this kid is headed into high-fives from all his friends for the rest of his life.
Prior to Portugal's 2-0 semi-final win over Wales in Euro 2016, the team got together to pose for a photo. The squad's numbers were a bit higher than usual, however, thanks to a gutsy ball boy who took an opportunity to be immortalized with his heroes.
SEE ALSO:If you Google the Euro 2016 mascot, you might find an X-rated alternativeHere is a five step plan guaranteed to get you in with Portugal and Cristiano Ronaldo, as laid out by this heroic ball boy.
This wasn't even the only ball boy incident. Something must've been in their water, because a different ball boy swooped in pre-game and grabbed a selfie with Ronaldo.
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