时间:2024-11-22 00:51:56 来源:网络整理编辑:百科
Twitter has always loved to ride the wave of internet culture. And this wave is certainly a big one.
Twitter has always loved to ride the wave of internet culture. And this wave is certainly a big one.
Originating with the popular Japanese channel Mizutamari Bond, YouTuber Kanta created a prank video featuring an artificial giant fried rice wave, which he claims cost approximately $3,938.00.
SEE ALSO:Watch a pastry chef try to recreate PringlesFor the prank, Kanta tells his friend Tommy that he's going to film a video making fried rice for their channel. Tommy is less than amused, not only because they start filming late at night, but because Kanta keeps insisting on remaking the rice for the video.
With the goal of shocking Tommy with the size of the fried rice, Kanta starts out with a small and simple batch. The second batch, surprisingly a bit more elaborate. And for the third, he briefly tricks Tommy into thinking he's "making" the giant fried rice wave.
Twitter blew this up when a screenshot of just Kanta with the fried rice was shared on Twitter, separate from the original prank context of the video.
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And that's when the Photoshops and memes -- much like the fried rice wave -- started rolling in:
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Kanta and Tommy, with the giant rice wave in the background, responded directly to the thread, thanking people for their responses.
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According to the original YouTube video, Kanta ended up returning the rice replica online after recording the prank. But the rice wave will live on, maybe not in our stomachs, but in our hearts.
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