时间:2025-01-30 15:44:47 来源:网络整理编辑:休閑
For sale, Bieber shoe, worn briefly.On Saturday, Justin Bieber inexplicably tossed his Yeezy sneaker
For sale, Bieber shoe, worn briefly.
On Saturday, Justin Bieber inexplicably tossed his Yeezy sneakers into the crowd at a show in Frankfurt, Germany. Now, those Yeezy sneakers have become celebrities in their own right -- one on Instagram and one as a popular sales lot on eBay.
Here is the left sneaker, which has assumed the identity of @theleftyeezy. The Left Yeezy has had a whirlwind few days, including this fun festival experience.
SEE ALSO:Fan throws water bottle at Justin Bieber after he won't sing 'Despacito' because he doesn't know the lyricsView this post on Instagram
The right Yeezy, on the other hand (foot?), has decidedly not been living the life of an influencer. Instead, it's currently listed on eBay, where the bidding price at the time of writing was 6,550 euros -- a chill $7,474 US dollars.
"We do like Justin and his music but there are people dying to have this shoe and we are just no huge beliebers so it wouldn't be fair to keep it," wrote the seller, whose name is Laura.
Potential buyers will be thrilled to know the shoes smell authentically like ... shoes. "I mean, they were super sweaty when we got them. They were, like, wet. But now they are dried and they're smelling like a mixture of new shoes and sweat," Laura told CBC. Yum!
The left Yeezy has also weighed in on the sale.
View this post on Instagram
Anyway, we've really buried the lede here. Bieber's shoe size is 8.5.
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