时间:2025-03-07 11:09:24 来源:网络整理编辑:探索
HOLLYWOOD, California -- Fifteen years ago, my parents and I lined up outside of a Los Angeles movie
HOLLYWOOD, California -- Fifteen years ago, my parents and I lined up outside of a Los Angeles movie theater to catch the first showing of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone at midnight.
I clutched my copy of the first book, wore my HP glasses and waved my wand around until the lights in the theater went dim.
I've re-read the entire Harry Potter series and watched the films multiple times since then (shout out to those ABC Family Freeform marathons).
But truly nothing felt as magical as seeing the film on the big screen(s) at the Hollywood Bowl on Wednesday night.
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The event, one of many special concerts held at the Hollywood Bowl during its summer season, gave audiences the opportunity to relive the first Harry Potter film on a high-definition giant screen while hearing the Los Angeles Philharmonic and a 24-person choir perform John Williams’ score.
My only regret: Not aparating -- the muggle traffic in Los Angeles is unbearable (as most Angelenos know). We were even a few minutes late.
Luckily, being tardy didn't take away from the magic. The event lasted roughly three hours, with a a 20-minute intermission.
There were thousands of people there -- wizards, witches and muggles of all generations -- enjoying it as much as I was. Some had some of the most in-depth costumes I've ever seen (my favorite was a bigger guy who really went for the Hagrid look -- beard and all). The guy next to our box spent the entire movie petting Hedwig (his stuffed animal owl).
As a former choir nerd, I know how vital music is to films. But listening to LA Phil and a 24-member choir -- led by conductor Justin Freer -- perform Williams' score (including the classic prologue) brought actual tears to my eyes.
That, and the scene where Dumbledore awards Neville 10 points and Gryffindor wins the House Cup.
Too magical too handle ⚡️ pic.twitter.com/g4EMDHx9bH
— Saba Hamedy (@saba_h) July 7, 2016
Unsurprisingly, the crowd of attendees was seemingly mostly Ravenclaw -- with that house receiving the most cheers throughout the screening. (Ravenclaws would love the Hollywood Bowl and LA Phil concerts).
Ravenclaws would love Hollywood Bowl and LA Phil concerts
An overwhelming amount of the crowd cheered for Ravenclaw loudest. Whatever, go go Gryffindor #harrypotter #laphil #harrypotter
— Saba Hamedy (@saba_h) July 7, 2016
But cheers went beyond house loyalties. Everyone screamed and clapped throughout the entire movie, especially whenever Harry, Hermione and Ron did anything -- and when Snape (played by the late Alan Rickman) was on the screen.
Many recited famous lines ("It's leviosa, not leviosa") and pulled out their wands to mimic the spells.
The coolest part of the evening was realizing that the world J.K. Rowling has created will live on forever, not just in my childhood. Everyone proudly put their nerdiness on full blast.
SEE ALSO:'Harry Potter' stars get sorted into Hogwarts houses on PottermoreThe entire event reminded me of the infamous exchange between Dumbledore and Snape at the end of the books, where the once-hated professor reveals he's always cared for Harry Potter because he will always love Harry's mother, Lilly.
“After all this time?”
Rowling understands; we'll love the series always -- even after all this time.
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