时间:2025-01-30 16:13:58 来源:网络整理编辑:熱點
It can be tough to keep track of everything going on in the world of professional competitive gaming
It can be tough to keep track of everything going on in the world of professional competitive gaming. Fear not: Each week, Mashable。 rounds up the best and biggest tournaments in esports to let you know when they're going down, and where to catch all the action. Plug in. 。
Some great events are taking place this weekend and next week, including the conclusion of the biggest annual speedrunning event in the world -- Awesome Games Done Quick -- and the end of group stages in the $100,000。 Overwatch。 Overwatch。
Winter Premiere. 。SEE ALSO:World's best 'Shovel Knight' speedrunners finish race within seconds of each other。
Speedrunning — Awesome Games Done Quick 2017。When: 。
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Where to watch:。
The biggest charity speedrunning event in the world, which supports the Prevent Cancer Foundation, is wrapping up its seven-day gaming marathon this weekend. At Awesome Games Done Quick 2017, the fastest gamers in the world are playing over 170 games start to finish, exploiting glitches to beat games in mere minutes or racing through to get 100 percent completion as fast as humanly possible. You can check out the full schedule of games, or cherry pick from our list of favorites.。 Overwatch — Overwatch Winter Premiere 。
Overwatch — Overwatch Winter Premiere 。When: 。
Tuesday through Thursday, times to be determined. 。 Where to watch: 。Twitch 。
Winter Premiere is heading into its second group phase, where six teams are competing for four spots in the playoffs. The teams left in the tournament are top-seeded Immortals, with a 6-1 record, Kungarna, Team Liquid, Renegades, Luminosity Gaming and CompLexity Gaming.。
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