时间:2025-02-28 19:48:06 来源:网络整理编辑:知識
Disney+ has hit 26.5 million subscribers since its Nov. 12 launch, according to Disney's latest earn
Disney+ has hit 26.5 million subscribers since its Nov. 12 launch, according to Disney's latest earnings report.
That's a big number for a new streamer — one with not nearly the global reach of Netflix, but it's coming — but given Disney's expansive library, aggressive marketing, near-limitless resources, and a certain adorable Child, we're not surprised.
Verizon's unlimited customers gained access to a free year of Disney+, accounting for a significant chunk of the subscription numbers (up to one-third). Disney itself promoted a rate of $69.99 per year to new users (a.k.a. everyone), and Disney+ remains one of the cheaper streaming services at $7 month-to-month.
Hulu recently hit 30.4 million subscribers, while the new ESPN+ service reached 6.6 million. Though both services are also owned by Disney, The Hollywood Reporter notes that subscriptions to that bundle are counted separately for each service. If you use Disney+, ESPN+, and Hulu, you count as three separate subscriptions, not one.
The real test for Disney+ in the long run will be retaining subscribers after the end of a free trial or discount period, or if prices increase as they have incrementally for Netflix over the years. But with a 2020 slate that includes star-studded expansions of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, Season 2 of The Mandalorian, and more countries to add to the user base, Disney may not face the same concerns as its streaming competition...at least for a while.
h/t Variety
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