时间:2025-03-07 10:10:14 来源:网络整理编辑:娛樂
The first Sunday of September sees Australians all over the nation posting pictures of their patriar
The first Sunday of September sees Australians all over the nation posting pictures of their patriarch for Father's Day, so it's only fitting that Chris Hemsworth paid Instagram homage to his own dad with a throw back to rival all throw backs.
The snap shows Pappa Hemsworth as a paragon of "Aussie dad," with the chiselled good looks of his famous Asgardian son. Understandably the posts' comment section erupted with thirsty appreciation for the father of four who, arguably, is a pretty a hot dad.
SEE ALSO:Turns out Thor was just chilling in Australia during 'Captain America: Civil War'Happy Father's Day dad! Thanks for taking me surfing every weekend and driving me to football training and athletics training and to friends houses and anywhere and everywhere and for loving mum and us kids so much. Love u #fathersday #legend
Comments ranged from "OMG like father like son!" to "I can see where you boys get half of your good looks 😜 lol," to the more subdued, but no less lustful "Love ❤ the short shorts on your Dad."
Turns out it's just the latest event in series of Hemsworth-elated incidents that have left commentators asking "Is the dad of the Hemsworth brothers hot?"
Chris Hemsworth Goes Surfing With His Super Hot, Ripped Dad Craig - Us Weekly https://t.co/KK0K7nlAJy #GoogleNewsHem pic.twitter.com/RNSgjPiPAS
— mochipuny (@mochipuny) August 21, 2016
Thank you universe, for gifting us generations of Hemsworths whose rugged archetypical Australian handsomeness will provide many an outsider with the proof that Aussies really are more attractive than everyone else.
Chris Hemsworth paid off his parents’ debt because he’s perfect https://t.co/JGGE41ON22 pic.twitter.com/xTyenXqIiK
— Proud dad (@parenting_dad) June 15, 2016
Liam Hemsworth and his dad in Malibu, California on 22 /12 /2013 <3 pic.twitter.com/gfRuTZQwHv
— Saja❄ (@Saja_Gomez) December 23, 2013
Is Chris Hemsworth's Dad Hot? An Investigation - New York Magazine https://t.co/qfjtTLSKx8 #GoogleNewsHem pic.twitter.com/jzJhKQwdrE
— mochipuny (@mochipuny) May 6, 2016
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