您的当前位置:首页 >熱點 >【】Feb 18, 2017 at 2:04am PST 正文
时间:2025-03-01 10:43:35 来源:网络整理编辑:熱點
Instead of looking at your messages, to-do lists and emails on your phone screen, have a robot draw
Instead of looking at your messages, to-do lists and emails on your phone screen, have a robot draw them. 。
Joto, a connected whiteboard with a mechanical arm and a pencil, can you help you out with that.。
It can also draw doodles, famous pieces of art, sketches and graphs -- or your shopping list, since let's be real, that's what whiteboards were made for.。
SEE ALSO:These flying robots will soothe your workday blues 。It's not widely available yet, but London design studio Those is close to raising its $122,650 goal on Kickstarter. For about $200 you can back the project and possibly get the board by the end of the year. If this becomes reality, your scribbles can soon be part of an ever-changing wall display.。
Look, David Bowie:。
The Beazley Designs of the Year exhibition is closing this Sunday at 6PM | Don't forget to book your ticket before it's too late- visit the museum website to find out more. ⠀ ⠀ Don't forget to catch the #Beazley Public Vote Design of the Year- #Joto madebythose - the connected display that draws with a pen. Launching on Kickstarter soon, more info at http://joto.rocks⠀ ⠀ Video | Take a look at this tribute to #DavidBowie from the illustrator quibe ⠀ ⠀ Jonathan Barnbrook's David Bowie '#Blackstar' album cover (Beazley Graphics Design of the Year) is also on display at the exhibition. ⠀ ⠀ #designsoftheyear #lastchance #booknow #thingstodo #whatson #endingsoon #designmuseum #london #kensington #weekend #beazley #jonathanbarnbrook #illustration #product #creativity #design #innovation #beazleydesignsoftheyear #HighStKen #Quibe #Madebythose davidbowie #davidbowietribute #davidbowieblackstar #davidbowieart #davidbowiecover 。
Feb 18, 2017 at 2:04am PST 。
The integrations with Slack, Twitter and Alexa are where this becomes really exciting. You can even use your Spotify account to have the board draw out what you are "Now Playing" in the music app. 。
How that's useful, we're not sure, but using it for work flow management purposes with Slack and Trello could be something. That pinned note with really important reminders could be written onto a board in the conference room -- pretty cool.。 The company sent over our 。 The company sent over our 。
"Joto is part of a new movement away from the screen," said Those co-founder Jim Rhodes. "Not because screens are bad but because people are discovering new ways to interact with internet." 。
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