时间:2024-11-24 08:08:25 来源:网络整理编辑:探索
Apple has finally made good on its promise to bring single sign-on (SSO) for TV providers to the lat
Apple has finally made good on its promise to bring single sign-on (SSO) for TV providers to the latest Apple TV and iOS devices.。
The feature was first announced at WWDC in June and now it's available for select service providers via the latest tvOS 10.1 and iOS 10.2 developer betas.。
SEE ALSO:Apple’s new TV app is Apple's idea of TV 。With SSO, users will only need to enter their TV provider username and password once to get access to all content across different video apps included in their subscriptions. 。
Thanks for signing up! 。
As my former colleague Christina Warren wrote in June:。
The problem is that logging into [different video apps] is a giant pain in the ass. To get logged in, I almost always have to use a web browser to enter in a code and then login with my provider details. And every few weeks, the login seems to expire and I have to do it all over again. 。
Single sign-on is a step towards making logins and passwords much less of a hassle. The initial rollout of SSO has its limitations, though, since it only works with four TV providers:。
Dish 。
GVTC Communications。
Hotwire 。
Sling TV。
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