时间:2025-03-07 10:11:56 来源:网络整理编辑:百科
Pierce Brosnan may have won millions of fans with his portrayal of James Bond, but his latest avatar
Pierce Brosnan may have won millions of fans with his portrayal of James Bond, but his latest avatar peddling a mouth freshner in India has created a frenzy on social media for all the wrong reasons.
SEE ALSO:Classic ads that will make any Indian nostalgicIndia woke up shaken and stirred on Friday to a full-page ad starring the iconic Hollywood actor endorsing a mouth freshener and tobacco brand. The ad sees Brosnan fight bad guys in his signature Bond style and keep a box of 'Pan Bahar' from getting in the wrong hands.
The ad has split Indians into those who see the lighter side of it and are having a field day creating memes and jokes, while others are outraged about Brosnan giving up his legacy for such a brand and wonder if Brosnan even knows what's inside the box.
Pan Masala is made from betel leaves, areca nut and a variety of other ingredients like clove, cardamom and others. While there is no tobacco or nicotine, in 'Pan Bahar' it can get addictive and the advertising comes with a government warranted statutory warning that says, "chewing of Pan Masala is injurious to health."
It seems Brosnan has taken his "license to kill" too seriously.
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