时间:2025-01-18 18:55:22 来源:网络整理编辑:休閑
LAS VEGAS -- How does a non-tech company get in on the tech-heavy world of International CES? Build
LAS VEGAS -- How does a non-tech company get in on the tech-heavy world of International CES? Build an enormous booth, send out a slick marketing video and get Nick Offerman to make an appearance.
At Thursday's American Greetings press event, people lined up to see a new product the card company promoted as "a device like no other."
The device in question: Just a paper greeting card. American Greetings, you trolled us all.
SEE ALSO:Wise human Nick Offerman reads more shower thoughts, hurts your brainThe event marked the launch of the #DeviceLikeNoOther campaign, which serves to promote the use of greeting cards to build more meaningful connections between loved ones. Or, you know, something like that.
Offerman, an avid woodworker, feels like a natural fit for a campaign launch that highlights old-fashioned "technology."
Indeed, Offerman says he grew up in a card-giving family and it's a tradition he's kept with his wife.
"When I started dating my wife -- her name is Megan Mullally, she's a very beautiful actress and singer and goddess -- she and I loved giving each other cards," he told a crowd at the press event. "It's a very important part of our relationship, and so we've continued that practice.
"Even though there are times when it's more appropriate, of course, to send a text or an email ... when you really want to get a sentiment across, there's nothing like the artifact of the handwritten card."
A CES-themed greeting card on display.Credit: mashableSo, how does Offerman feel about being a non-tech person at the center of CES?
"It's fascinating," he told Mashable. "I like to be as inclusive as possible, and I depend on technology. I just usually have smarter people than me telling me what I need to pay attention to this year. So it's really fascinating to try to be here and communicate with a group of people that are all smarter than me, and fascinated in all of this math and science that will make our world a better place."
As for attendees who showed up to see the latest in greeting card technology, not everyone was thrilled with the review.
As one disappointed industry buyer told Mashable: "It's just mail."
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