时间:2025-01-18 16:47:41 来源:网络整理编辑:娛樂
Lucasfilm has announced the title for Episode VIII --Star Wars: The Last Jedi -- so the movie's dire
Lucasfilm has announced the title for Episode VIII --Star Wars: The Last Jedi -- so the movie's director, Rian Johnson, can finally drop it into the opening crawl.
SEE ALSO:The new Star Wars episode title means more than you thinkTo the boundless excitement of Star Wars fans, Johnson shared on Instagram a glimpse of his ongoing editing process with the famed crawl -- which will be in Sith-red text -- on the big screen:
View this post on Instagram
"Felt so good to drop this into the cut this morning," Johnson wrote.
There's also R2-D2, just chillin' there in a corner as a good-luck mascot:
The Last Jedi will be in theaters Dec. 15.
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