时间:2024-11-22 01:48:26 来源:网络整理编辑:娛樂
After a stunning World Cup victory against Colombia this week, all of England is more than ready to
After a stunning World Cup victory against Colombia this week, all of England is more than ready to have a trophy under their belt.
From crowding around a stranger's window to watch the game to men taking off their shirts and swinging them around in celebration at the Liverpool Street Station, it's safe to say England is pretty chuffed.
If you've seen any of these triumphant videos, you may have noticed that there's some sort of song that can be heard. Despite being sung at different intervals, the words, "It's coming home, it's coming, football's coming home," is a reoccurring chant that has become a staple in many of these viral videos.
Ladies and gentlemen....it's coming #england #itscominghome #engcol #liverpoolstreet #footballramble
Thanks to all that patriotism, the song has now reached meme status as Twitter has mashed the song in more ways than you can imagine.
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The chant comes from England's official football (soccer for the U.S.) song "Three Lions" which was released in 1996. The lyrics refer to England being the origin of modern-day football, and how the country is hopeful that by winning the tournament, everything will come full circle.
Regardless of the songs origins, the memes are just great and are definitely giving Neymar a run for his money as the top World Cup meme of 2018.
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Who will be next to face England in the Meme World Cup 2018?
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