时间:2025-03-07 11:29:52 来源:网络整理编辑:熱點
Does your evil employer keep your workplace at a temperature you could hang meat in? Fight back agai
Does your evil employer keep your workplace at a temperature you could hang meat in? Fight back against the cold with gadgets that will warm you up while you're stuck at your desk.
From heated feet warmers to cosy headphones, we've got your cold spell covered. Layer up and take a look through our cool selection of winter warmers.
The Narwhal heated slippers ($45.49) will warm your tootsies and your heart with their adorable narwhal design. One USB charge gives you up to six hours of heated bliss.
Anyone who suffers from poor circulation will know that cold hands are the worst. The directly named Warm Mouse ($59) will keep your digits cosy with its built-in heating functionality. Its USB connectivity offers plug-and-play ease of use for any computer.
In the battle to stay warm, every joule helps. The furry InnoHug headphones ($30.99) boast decent sound quality (according to reviewers), noise cancellation and a built-in microphone. But it's their comfortable plush faux-fur earpads that will keep your lugholes snug.
The modern equivalent of a hot water bottle, this adorable toasty (geddit?) pillow will give you four hours of cosy cuddles after a quick USB charge. ($39)
Hot drinks are an essential weapon in the face of cruel winter weather. This doughnut-themed USB gizmo ($16.99) will keep your beverages warmer for longer whilst adding a touch of kitsch to your desk setup.
There's a lot of things to like about the USB heated shawl and lap blanket ($27.99), but our favorite is that the official blurb says it offers "heat output [that] is equal to about one cat (or small dog)" -- awwww!
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