时间:2025-03-07 11:21:53 来源:网络整理编辑:綜合
President-elect Donald Trump has canceled his scheduled meeting with the New York Times, claiming th
President-elect Donald Trump has canceled his scheduled meeting with the New York Times,claiming the paper tried to make changes to the "terms and conditions" of the meeting.
Trump called the New York Times "not nice" in an early morning tweet:
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Trump's meeting was reported to be at least partly on the record. On Monday, he met with a variety of media executives and reporters in an off-the-record meeting that a source described to the New York Postas a "a f---ing firing squad."
Minutes after his first tweet about the Times, Trump then sent another one complaining that the newspaper "continue to cover me inaccurately and with a nasty tone":
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Then he said the "failing" New York Timeshas been receiving complaints at the highest rate in 15 years:
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The paper reportedly was unaware of the cancellation until it saw Trump's tweet:
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The meeting with editors and reporters at the Gray Lady, a frequent target of Trumps rants, was supposed to be a "small, off-the-record session" followed by an on-the-record one between reporters and columnists.
Trump has toned down some of his rhetoric following the election, but appears willing to continue his anti-press tirades that became a signature of his rallies and overall campaign.
Trump has not held a press conference since July 27.
On Monday night, the president-elect took matters into his own hands and released a YouTube video in which he detailed the plan for his first 100 days in office.
Later in the morning, Trump reportedly uncanceled the meeting.
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