时间:2025-01-18 15:39:30 来源:网络整理编辑:綜合
It's after midnight April 16, so let's all get into a fresh new Wordle. You never know when you're g
It's after midnight April 16, so let's all get into a fresh new Wordle. You never know when you're going to need a little helping hand, so we've got the answer word below, as well as a few hints to give you a chance to solve it spoiler-free before you get there.
If you just want the answer, please and thank you, you'll find today's Wordlesolution #301 right at the bottom of this post. If you want a few clues first to nudge you in the direction of the answer, as well as general Wordle tips, strategies, and info, you'll find those on the way down.
Wordle, created by engineer Josh Wardle and later bought by the New York Times, Wordlehas gone mega-viral and inspired countless clones and variations on the basic guessing format.
While it may seem to some that the game has gotten harder since the NYT takeover, it hasn't. But we can tell you how you can go to Hard Mode if you like a challenge.
Just can't get enough Wordle? Try some of the vast expanse of Wordle clones, including Nerdle, Heardle, Lewdle or Globle.
Technically the best Wordlestarting word is... whatever that day's answer is! (Yes, I know, I'm sorry. Here, we've got plenty of ideas.)
Want to train that brain? Get gains (and clues as to which words will notbe the answer any time soon, because they've already been in the game) by playing the whole archive of past Wordles.
Yesterday's Wordle:Here's the April 15 Wordleanswer in case you're looking for it.
Not the Wordle you're looking for?Here's the answer for April 17.
You can turn the other one, if you're so inclined.
Yes, it does!
It begins with the letter... C.
OK, we'll tell you!
It is...
Couldn't get there on your own? There's always tomorrow. We shall be here.
Reporting by Caitlin Welsh and Adam Rosenberg contributed to this article.
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