时间:2025-03-07 10:48:47 来源:网络整理编辑:休閑
During any presidential debate, words matter just as much as body language.On Sunday, viewers on Twi
During any presidential debate, words matter just as much as body language.
On Sunday, viewers on Twitter couldn't help but notice the way Donald Trump moved across the stage. As Clinton spoke, Trump lurked behind her and into every shot, making it almost impossible to focus exclusively on her.
SEE ALSO:Trump’s idea of debate prep is a Facebook Live with Bill Clinton’s accusersWherever Clinton went, Trump seemed to follow. And stare. And stare.
He just can't seem to sit down, or move out of the shot.
Via GiphyHe just wanted his moment in the spotlight. 90 minutes of moments, to be clear.
Wherever she goes, he follows. It would almost be romantic, were it not a presidential debate.
TopicsDonald TrumpHillary Clinton
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