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时间:2025-03-07 10:41:55 来源:网络整理编辑:百科
The brand-fail force is strong with Cinnabon.。 Carrie Fisher died at age 60 on Tuesday and while fan
The brand-fail force is strong with Cinnabon. 。
Carrie Fisher died at age 60 on Tuesday and while fans of the galaxy's fiercest princess used Twitter to remember the actress and author, Cinnabon traveled to the dark side.。
The company best known for making malls smell like sweet saturated fat shared a likeness of Princess Leia made from cinnamon with the caption, "RIP Carrie Fisher, you'll always have the best buns in the galaxy."。
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Cinnabon has since removed the tweet, but this isn't the first time it used its cinnamon Leia for a little #brand boost. In May, the company said Fisher had "the second-best rolls in the galaxy." 。
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