时间:2025-03-01 00:04:26 来源:网络整理编辑:休閑
If you feel like a drone wandering through the same routine every day, it could just the pangs of mo
If you feel like a drone wandering through the same routine every day, it could just the pangs of modern life, or you could be the subject of alien experiments.
The second option is one of the plot points of Prey, a game in development by Arkane Studios, creators of Dishonored. The game's existence was announced at publisher Bethesda Softworks E3 press conference Sunday night in Los Angeles.
SEE ALSO:4K PlayStation 4 does exist, but it won't be at E3Prey puts you in the shoes of Morgan Yu in the year 2032. Morgan is the subject of some morally ambiguous experiments meant to "improve" humanity. He wakes up on a spaceship, and must battle waves of aliens -- helped by his new, curious powers.
Prey has been a long time in development, first announced as Prey 2 by Bethesda in 2011 as a project of Human Head studios. It was canceled later that year, then picked up again by Arkane as a reimagining of the original game, which was released in 2006.
Prey is due out in 2017 for Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC.
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