时间:2025-02-28 20:15:36 来源:网络整理编辑:時尚
Don't mess with Tyra Banks. Surely anyone who has seen even a second of America's Next Top Model kne
Don't mess with Tyra Banks. Surely anyone who has seen even a second of America's Next Top Model knew this already?
Drake learns the hard way in his new 12-minute video for "Childs Play," which he debuted on the OVO blog Saturday night. The clip, which seems to take place at a really fancy Cheesecake Factory, is from his latest album, Views.
If you want to know what Aubrey looks like rapping "Why you gotta fight with me at Cheesecake/You know I love to go there" through a face full of cake and wine, here it is. The company loved the reference, at least.
He doesn't seem too upset though, ending up at a strip club minutes later.
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