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时间:2025-02-28 20:01:21 来源:网络整理编辑:探索
Celebrities are known for going all out when it comes to their Halloween costumes, and Rita Ora just
Celebrities are known for going all out when it comes to their Halloween costumes, and Rita Ora just proved she's no exception. 。
SEE ALSO:21 best couples costumes you can pull off in a pinch 。The pop star turned up to the KISS Haunted House party in London on Friday dressed as Post Malone, and her resemblance to the rapper is astounding.。
I mean, just look at these pictures!。
So good!Credit: Gareth Cattermole/Getty Images 。
From the face tattoos and facial hair, to the wardrobe and, ahem, "accessories," Ora completely nailed her Post Malone look. 。
Your nightmares are real: This interactive Halloween exhibit explores the dark subconscious 。
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