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时间:2025-03-07 11:18:24 来源:网络整理编辑:時尚
As the reality of a Donald Trump presidency sinks in, many folks are making frantic plans to flee it
As the reality of a Donald Trump presidency sinks in, many folks are making frantic plans to flee it. 。
Canada's immigration website crashed as news of Donald Trump's victory arrived, and a surge of Californians are calling for their state's succession online.。
But NBA player Metta World Peace reminded all of those Trump fearers that running from problems won't solve them.。
SEE ALSO:Sports world reacts to Donald Trump's big win。
The Los Angeles Lakers small forward, who in 2011 legally changed his name from Ron Artest, gave them a pep talk on Wednesday morning, calling on Americans to stay and help fix the issues they're trying to escape.。
It's amazing to see the millions of people that are giving up on their own lives today. Snap out of it. Be the change you want!
It's amazing to see the millions of people that are giving up on their own lives today. Snap out of it. Be the change you want! 。
— Metta World Peace (MettaWorldPeace) November 9, 2016。
Everyone talking about they leaving America, so that means you leaving people that need you here. #whyleave #nosorelosers #bethechange 。
— Metta World Peace (MettaWorldPeace) November 9, 2016。
#dontleave 。 — Metta World Peace (MettaWorldPeace) November 9, 2016。This is coming from a guy whose 。
actual 。
name contains "World Peace," by the way.。
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