时间:2025-03-07 11:17:29 来源:网络整理编辑:休閑
Teens, this is how you DGAF.Prince, who died Thursday morning at his home, is being remembered as a
Teens, this is how you DGAF.
Prince, who died Thursday morning at his home, is being remembered as a legendary musician, fashion icon and cultural cornerstone. But one of his rarely-mentioned talents was his ability to take a stunning picture that truly conveyed his all-around, cool guy nature.
SEE ALSO:10 Prince tweets that prove he was the ultimate originalIf you don't believe us, check out his passport picture.
Like his musical talents, his slay-worthy photo-taking skills date back to his junior high and high school years in Minnesota, documented in several yearbook pictures.
And yes, the hair was always on-point.
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