时间:2025-03-17 21:48:16 来源:网络整理编辑:休閑
A Denver Broncos linebacker joined Colin Kaepernick this week in facing criticism for sitting out th
A Denver Broncos linebacker joined Colin Kaepernick this week in facing criticism for sitting out the national anthem.Brandon Marshall lost a sponsorship deal with the Air Academy FederalCredit Union after kneeling during the anthem before the Broncos' Thursday night game against the Carolina Panthers, according to CBS Denver.
The AAFCU announced on Facebook that it had dropped Marshall."While we respect Brandon's right of expression, his actions are not arepresentation of our organization and membership," the credit union'sCEO wrote.Marshall said after Thursday's game that he supported Kaepernick. Like the49ers quarterback, he commented on social injustice and police brutality through his decision to sit out the anthem."Colin is my fraternity brother, my ex-teammate and I believe in whathe's trying to do," Marshall said. "I believe in his actions. So I definitely want to stand by him."The Broncos and the team's coach both said Marshall had a right to hispersonal beliefs.
Kaepernick has faced criticism for his decision to sit out the national anthem in protest of police brutality, but sales of hisjersey have also skyrocketed.High school teams throughout the county also knelt during the anthem this week in support of Kaepernick.
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