时间:2025-03-01 00:54:18 来源:网络整理编辑:時尚
Apple Maps will let drivers know when they're approaching a red-light or speed camera.The feature wi
Apple Maps will let drivers know when they're approaching a red-light or speed camera.
The feature will be available in the upcoming iOS 14 release. Maps will also show in map view where cameras are located, so drivers can plot a path that avoids any marked speed or red-light detectors.
Google Maps and Google-owned Waze, the popular driving navigation app, both already include these features. Waze has let drivers report and flag known camera spots and speed traps for years. It backed away in recent years from displaying police checkpoints, like those set up to snag drunk drivers.
Last year, Google Maps added some of those Waze features. Now Apple Maps is sharing the information, too. The public beta for iOS 14 will be released in July, and the finished version should be available to everyone in the fall.
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