时间:2025-01-18 14:40:39 来源:网络整理编辑:時尚
Dogs deserve the joy of a secret menu, too.Starbucks has a special drink for dogs that isn't commerc
Dogs deserve the joy of a secret menu, too.
Starbucks has a special drink for dogs that isn't commercially advertised, and one adorable puppy named Leopold just discovered it.
An espresso cup with a dollop of whipped cream, the 'puppuccino' was an instant hit with the 4 1/2-month-old German Shepherd, who had it for the first time on Wednesday.
SEE ALSO:Having a rough day? Here's a Japanese dog wearing cardboard cutoutsLeo sniffed the cup "a lot before diving in, and kept looking back and forth from me to the cup," Leo's owner, Kenn White, told Mashable in a message, "It was pretty cute."
White decided to share the moment on Twitter and the photos were quickly met with enthusiastic responses,
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"I told Leo that he was famous, but he just looked at me and then rolled over and went back to sleep," White said.
While some Twitter users were concerned about lactose consumption, Leo's proud owner is happy to report that after the puppuccino, Leo "Wasn't just fine, he was downright joyous."
"We went on a long walk, and he carried the end of leash in his mouth, prancing through the neighborhood," he continued.
The tweet's numerous responses revealed many other happy puppies enjoying the Starbucks treat.
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It was also revealed in responding tweets that the indulgence's name seems to vary between stores, also going by a "barkaccino" or "puppy latte."
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"A lot of people told me the tweet made their day, which was touching," White said regarding his post.
How could it not? Starbucks has some very satisfied canine customers.
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