时间:2025-02-28 19:52:02 来源:网络整理编辑:休閑
LONDON -- There are some books out there that are just unanimously enjoyed by everyone, right? Certa
LONDON -- There are some books out there that are just unanimously enjoyed by everyone, right? Certain classics that defy criticism because they're so universally iconic and well-loved?
Well, no. No matter how famous or well-received a book might be, no novel is without its critics.
SEE ALSO:Listen here: 10 great podcasts for book loversFrom jumbled anger to extremely blunt shut-downs, we've scoured Amazon for the oddest one-star reviews of classic British novels we could find.
1. "She never had such a good creativity."
2. "This book is rubbish."
3. "I think ther better buks out ther."
4. "Jane has a very thick skull".
5. "Thought I ought to read it".
6. "Jane Eyre really did FAIL big time".
7. "Rubbish".
8. "One star".
9. "Sleep-inducing".
10. "Bad".
11. "A truley bitter taste".
12. "Go away book".
13. "My rabbit".
14. "The plot barely exists".
15. "Yuch".
16. "I'm tired now".
17. "Nothing major happens".
18. "He should change the plot".
19. "Very scary".
20. "Boring".
TopicsAmazonHarry PotterJK Rowling
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