时间:2025-01-18 16:05:37 来源:网络整理编辑:休閑
Can I get a visual on Renegades?The Navy SEAL drama that was set to hit North American theaters in t
Can I get a visual on Renegades?
The Navy SEAL drama that was set to hit North American theaters in three weeks has vanished from the schedule, reports Richard Rushfield in Friday's edition of The Ankler. We've confirmed that EuropaCorp, the French film production company behind Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets, has indeed aborted the mission to open it Sept. 1. No alternate date has been set.
SEE ALSO:Zack Snyder's future at Warner Bros.' DC movies: Limited at best, dunzo at worstThe tale of a Navy SEAL team that discovers treasure in a Bosnian lake stars J.K. Simmons -- he of now beastly ripped old-man physique -- and no one else you've likely heard of. Does Sullivan Stapleton ring a bell? I guess Ewen Bremner (Spud from Trainspotting) was just in Wonder Woman,so there's that.
Co-written by EuropaCorp founder (and Valeriandirector) Luc Besson and Richard Wenk, and directed by Steven Quale, Renegadeswrapped production two years ago, and still just can't seem to find a suitable date to land on.
From the trailer, Renegadeslooks like an action-comedy, or maybe a comedy-action movie, and that might be the problem; tone is often the devil that keeps directors and editors working late hours. Especially when those hours spill into years.
Renegadescomes to theaters maybe ... never?
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