时间:2025-03-01 00:42:59 来源:网络整理编辑:綜合
Fargohas Chris Rock booked to star in its upcoming fourth season, but that's not even the exciting p
Fargohas Chris Rock booked to star in its upcoming fourth season, but that's not even the exciting part.
Season 4 of the time-hopping anthology series shifts the setting to the seedy underbelly of Kansas City, Missouri during the 1950s. Rock is set to play the head of an African-American crime family who takes on an unusual challenge.
SEE ALSO:What Exactly Is FX's 'Fargo'? The Cast Explains It for YaIn a bid to foster peace between Rock's crew and a rival Italian syndicate, the leaders of the two factions hash out a deal: They'll swap sons. To keep the peace, Rock and his Italian counterpart trade their eldest sons with each intending to raise the child as their own.
The unusual situation takes an unexpected turn when the Italian mob boss dies on the operating table during a routine surgery. What happens from there will remain a mystery for now, but unnamed FX execs described Season 4 as a story of "immigration and assimilation and the things we do for money" at the Television Critics Association press tour on Friday (h/t Variety).
Rock, a self-professed Fargofan, said that he "can't wait to work with [showrunner Noah Hawley]."
The fourth season of Fargois set to start shooting sometime in 2019, with the Season 4 premiere expected to arrive at a later point in the same year.
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