时间:2025-03-07 10:42:09 来源:网络整理编辑:知識
This isOne Good Thing, a weekly column where we tell you about one of the few nice things that happe
This isOne Good Thing, a weekly column where we tell you about one of the few nice things that happened this week.
When brands attempt to capture our hearts (and our wallets) it can either go surprisingly well, or be a complete dumpster fire of fake relatability.
Denny's, often credited as one of the original brands to dabble in internet memes, often toes the line. But this time we are glad to report that they got it very, very right. Partially by just letting an already adorable and hilarious father-son duo do their thing.
If you are not one of the millions of people who has seen the viral video of DJ and Kingston Pryor, the dad and baby holding a full-on conversation in a viral video, stop what you're doing and watch that right now. Good? That was totally precious, right? OK, you are free to proceed with the rest of this article.
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The marketing geniuses over at Denny's recently grabbed the pair to do an amazing Father's Day commercial, and people, we are hitting critical levels of cuteness.
SEE ALSO:People are sharing their 'best' dad jokes on Twitter for Father's DayIn the ad, a Denny's booth is the setting for some wholesome boding between DJ and Kingston, who have a "chat" about "what's going on" in baby Kingston's life, sharing some laughs, and eating some bacon along the way.
It ends with the text "Booths were made for quality time with dad" appearing on the screen as the two hug, DJ telling Kingston that he's got him "all buttered up." Cue the "aww"s.
I wonder if Denny's can use my tears for some extra seasoning.
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