时间:2025-03-01 00:27:36 来源:网络整理编辑:探索
It's a plate with a kitchen towel built into it -- kind of.The "AbsorbPlate" isanew invention by ad
It's a plate with a kitchen towel built into it -- kind of.
The "AbsorbPlate" is a new invention by ad agency, BBDO Bangkok, and the Thai government health board. The ordinary-looking dinner plate claims to soak up to about 7ml of oil, or 30 calories on average, from every meal that sits on it.
SEE ALSO:PornHub's 'Bangfit' program uses sexy exercise to build muscleAccording to its promotional video, the plate borrows its design from a sponge surface and contains 500 perforated holes to absorb the oil from a dish into the bottom of each crevice.
The product is part of the Thai government's efforts to combat the country's obesity problem.
Thai cuisine is known to be cooked with huge amounts of oil. A study published by the Thailand Business Newslast year showed that Thailand is ranked second in Southeast Asia for its high obesity rates.
BBDO Bangkok told Mashable the plate has already been launched as a trial, and thousands of plates have been distributed to local restaurants.
This is one plate we're eager to have at the dinner table.
UPDATE: May 23, 2016, 3:06 p.m. SGTUpdated the story with statement from BBDO Bangkok.
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